Physical Education, Motor Development essay
1. Select a journal within Physical Education, Motor Development, Sport, or related field, as found in the library or online and suggested in the references cited the Gabbard book and found in the reference list beginning at the end of the book (approximately page 441). Find one reference cited in the text for a topic in which you are interested. The article must be research based and include data collection and analysis as a part of the article. The Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, ACSM journal, Perceptual and Motor Development journals would be a good place to start.
2. You are responsible for reading the ENTIRE article, but please photocopy the abstractonly and attach it to the back of your writing portion that you will turn in to the instructor or a TA.
3. Your instructor will provide you with additional sources for your topic of choice.
4. Forty possible points may be scored on this writing assignment. 10 points for each of the following sections
• Introduction: The problem, challenge, or issue is identified and, as appropriate, reformulated.
• Methods/Results: Identifies and assesses quality of evidence/data
• Discussion/Critique: Identifies conclusions, implications, and consequences
Physical Education, Motor Development essay